Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ultrasound Verdict

So the verdict is in, and my maternal intuition is...wrong! It's a boy! I figure now that I know I'm always getting the opposite of what I think, I can still predict accurately what will happen :) I'm going into another ultrasound next week to rule out the possibility of cleft lip. I'm genuinely not worried about it even if the little guy ends up having a cleft lip. The treatment isn't bad (surgery) and isn't life threatening. Plus, my doctor wasn't sure it was there, she's just being careful. I'll post an update next week. Also, they moved my due date earlier since the little guy measured 2 weeks ahead of schedule. So now it's January 1st. Happy new year!

I'm so excited to have a boy! I would've been equally excited for a girl, but the thing that was so surprising today was that I really thought they would see girl parts in there. R was shocked too. We love the idea of two little brothers romping around. We haven't decided on names definitively like we thought, but here are some front runners: Eli, Leonard, Aidan, Dillon, Elliott, Finn, Ian, Oliver, Marley and River. There's more than that too so who knows what we'll end up on. R and I still really like Eli. I like Finn and Oliver, but R's not crazy about Finn. River is also one we both like. Anyways, it's up in the air. Feel free to vote for your favorite!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

It was only a matter of time

I have started swelling. I'm only 18 weeks pregnant and I have to put my feet up all the time. I wish I could hover in a "feet up" position while I got things done. On the plus side, M is starting preschool on Monday and it's a 4-day-per-week program. He gets Wednesday's off, and on those mornings we have gymnastics. Lest anyone worry about the poor Boy: he needs this. He would probably happily run around outside/with other crazy kids for 4 hours a day, every day. In fact, I need to think of more things to get him into! Perhaps a swim class or a play group in the afternoons. Anyways, such is the life of the mother of a hyper blend of R and me (he never really had a chance against those genes).

We're down to the last 5 days before the ultrasound!!! I just know it's going to be a girl, if only because I bragged in an earlier post about how we were so decisive about names, and now the girl-name list is growing day by day while the boy-name list stays at pretty much one: Eli. The girl names were just Edie or Zooey, but now they include Grace (Gracie), Ksenia (said Kassenia, shortened to either Senia or Kassie), or Natalie. I suppose we've also considered Leonard for a boy. So this isn't good. By the time the kid is born I'll have top 20 lists with me in the hospital and be asking every nurse that goes by what my child "looks like". Sheesh.

At the risk of scaring anyone about my testimony, I'm still going to point out my new links on the left side bar of my blog (see "linky links"). Please don't feel obligated, as I know many people feel strongly against my political leanings. It's just that this is my genuine feeling right now, and if anyone agrees with me I want to make the information I have available to them. In short, I do not support Prop 8 in California, in spite of what the Church has said lately. I feel that the separation of church and state is violation, even though they mean very well. I think if you are like-minded to me, you will find the sites helpful in finding your voice. If you disagree, still take a visit and get familiar with the other side. I think it's a valid response, and the websites I have listed are very respectful while also in disagreement with the Church's stance. I feel very respectful of both sides of this issue as well, so you all know. (Soapbox complete.)

Sunday, August 03, 2008


So at the risk of sounding like I'm prophesying I am going to come right out and say it: I think I'm having a girl. I am willing to say it finally. Ever since I found out I was pregnant I have thought I am having a girl. But I haven't told anyone. Not even R until today. And now all of you know :) I haven't had any dreams, and I haven't had any impressions. I just think it's a girl. Now the fun begins, because we will see if I'm right. On August 21st I'll have the answer and we'll see just how intuitive I am with my belly.

On the other hand, even though I really do think it's going to be a girl, I want to have a boy. It's not an issue of unhappiness if I don't get what I want, it's just that if I could pick, I would check the boy box. There's no specific reason, even though it was be nice to have more boys in the family on R's side (M is the only male grandchild out of 6, and there's one more on the way beside mine, so if those 2 end up being girls then he'll be seriously surrounded.) Also, we have boy clothes. And a blue room. Plus I already have a boy, so I feel slightly prepared for another. Like I said, we will see...

Friday, August 01, 2008


Now it's really official, because I'm wearing my maternity pants. They don't have a panel or anything, but they are stealthily elastic-banded in the back to give this wiggly kid some more stretching room. I'm only 16 weeks, so I'm a little bummed that I'm already into the wearing of big clothes, but it also makes it a little more real. And that much closer to the January due date! I can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or a girl either. My sis-in-law is due in a few weeks and she's not finding out until the kid comes out, so I'm pretty excited about that. She's brave.

I'm very impressed with my ability to feel the baby kicking this early. I didn't feel M until about 20 weeks, and I felt this little person last week when I was only 15 weeks. So, skillz.

In unrelated news, we've moved! I love our new place which while being a rental is much nicer than anything we've lived in before. We love the location, the layout, the garage, the space! We have 3 bedrooms which is good since our family is growing, so I guess the move is somewhat related to pregnancy. I think we'll stay for 2 years or so and then look to swoop in and buy a house for an excellent deal. We were kicking ourselves 4 years ago when we were moving to Michigan. We kept thinking how we would be screwed with outrageous prices on houses in Arizona after graduating. Thanks crappy economy! We appreciate it.