Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First Half of Test Results Back

The geneticist called just now and said the major chromosomal problems have come back negative. So that means there's no Trisomy 13, 18, or 21 (Down's), and the X and Y chromosomes are in tact. Now we wait for the testing to come back for any partial chromosomal abnormalities. The geneticist sounded hopeful though, so that's a small relief. More news to come late this week or early next week, to rule it ALL out. We're still praying and fasting.


Lani said...

We'll pray and fast for Eli and your family.

Unknown said...

You are each in our prayers. I love you..... :)

Love, Kristi

Dani said...

We're still praying for you guys!

Jord said...

We are so glad for the good news and will continue to keep you guys in our prayers.