Monday, September 22, 2008


I've added things to the wish lists, including little notes of explanation, about the various baby gear discoveries I have been making. It makes a nesting mom feel prepared.

1 comment:

Hubers said...

Hey, thanks for the input on my blog. You might want more than a 12 pack of those thickest cloth diapers for spit up...or at least that's what I've heard.
Also, the medela double pump, like $250-350 somewhere in there, is awesome! I had it and loved it. I also had something called a SNS by medela. (Supplemental Nursing system) The SNS was amazing. I could never find it anywhere, so I ended up asking the hospital for one when Isaac was born too. It helps a ton when there's feeding issues. Don't forget to ask for it at the hospital because they usually don't give it to nursing mothers. I kinda lucked out the first time. Anyway, it was amazing!
Good luck on your quest for knowledge!