Friday, January 02, 2009

The New Plan

I shall be induced on Thursday January 8th (Kristen's birthday!) at 7:30am by Dr. Urig. It's not the Dr. I would pick over everyone else at the practice (she is in on Monday: Dr. Mayer), but this one is my second choice and I am perfectly happy that he will be the one delivering the little guy. Dr. Urig is the one who called me after the fateful ultrasound in August when we were freaking out. He was so nice, and recommended the surgeon we are using for E's reconstructive surgeries. I have never forgotten that he took the time to call and see how we were doing with the news.

Unless of course E decides to throw a wrench in the plans and come on some other day, this will be the next week in progress. Hopefully he will come Monday if he decides to come out before Thursday. Either way I get a Dr. I want :)

I am not very excited to get induced. I just want my body to go into labor on its own. We are going to fast a pray a little over the next few days and see if that helps us along in the next few days. I am also going to try the breast pump again in a few days and see if it takes a little better this time. I will also try the raspberry leaf tea in the meantime to help prepare. Maybe I can avoid the Pitocin after all. As a last resort I may break down and take my herb drops (black cohosh and blue cohosh, etc.) Here we go!


Live Out Loud said...

LolaBella and I will pray for you. Though I really do love being pregnant...most of the time (namely the second trimester and most of the third)...when you are at the end (and super uncomfortable) you just want it all to be over. You can't get into and out of couches, beds, cars etc...every step takes far too much energy and you really wonder how your insides are making room for your organs and the little one inside. Something has got to give, and it will, but for at least a few days it sucks. I love you and can't wait for E to come (mostly for you and your family, but also for selfish reasons...I want to see that little, red face). Take care friend.

Live Out Loud said...

Oh, and I got the Dr. information from your post...I will look up Dr. Mayer.

Dani said...

I was so happy to hear the news! Can't wait for further updates! And to meet little E!